CRAMsurg is a charitable association!

CRAMsurg is a charitable association, you can read our charitable purpose and request a copy of our trust deed! We are first of all a team of Surgical Teaching enthusiasts! We created CRAM SURG to provide an accessible online platform for Critical Appraisal and Methodology of clinical research! In the spirit of "sharing is caring" all material created for this project is released under an attribution-non commercial-share alike licence! Creative Commons License

Our trustees

Professor Saba Balasubramanian - president

Saba Balasubramanian is a consultant endocrine surgeon at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and an honorary professor at the University of Sheffield. He is interested in epidemiology, research methodology and critical appraisal pertaining to surgical research.

Giordano Perin - secretary and webmaster

Gio Perin is a higher General Surgical Trainee in the Yorkshire and the Humber Region, he is a teaching enthusiast with a huge passion for linux, opensource and everything IT related! He is also the webmaster for this website, so if anything does not work, feel free to contact and blame him!

Maria Digby - treasurer

Maria is an IST General Surgery core trainee in South Yorkshire. Whilst on maternity leave, she started to attend the CRAMSurg sessions. Maria has taught advanced ballet and pointe at the University for 9 years. Maria enjoys learning, teaching and keeping track of the finances!

Evripidis Tokidis - trustee

Evri Tokidis is a Colorectal Trainee in the Yorkshire region, currently Out of Programme, researching Evidence Based Surgical Practice at the Medical Education department of Sheffield University. He is passionate about an equitable surgical profession and works within national organisations (ACPGBI EDI, PRiSM RCSEng) to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. He enjoys cycling, cooking and long walks in nature.

Right to left: Prof. Saba Balasubramanian, Mr Evri Tokidis, Mr Gio Perin, Miss Maria Digby

Our collaborators

Feargus Pitcher (CT1s), Emily Moran (CT2s), and Ozlem Boztepe (MidYorks)

Feargus, Emily and Ozlem are our Core Training Public Relations officers, they handle communication with the Core Surgical Trainees and update them about out live sessions and initiatives!

Prasant Gurung (Foundation Trainees)

Prasant is our Foundation Training Public Relations officer, he handles communication with the Foundation Trainees and updates them about out live sessions and initiatives! He helps us organise our courses and initiatives.

Magdalena O'Connor-Manson, Lydia Brown

Maddie and Lydia are our medical students collaborators! They help us run our journal club and related audio and video files, help us with social media management and various other initiatives we are working on!

Founding Members

Adam Hague, Benjamin Wood and Joshua Lau were part of the original team that set up CRAMsurg!