Our Archive

Episode 1 - 30.04.2020
Paper topic: An elder-friendly bundle of care in EGS
Teaching topic: Hypothesis testing
Episode 2 - 07.05.2020
Paper topic: QOL after conservative treatment of appendicitis
Teaching topic: Clinical reasearch - types of studies and designs
Episode 3 - 14.05.2020
Paper topic: Fluorescence for intraoperative cholangiography
Teaching topic: RCTs - introduction
Episode 4 - 21.05.2020
Paper topic: Perianal block for proctological surgery
Teaching topic: RCTs - randomisation and blinding
Episode 5 - 28.05.2020
Paper topic: LOS after laparoscopic vs open distal pancreatectomy
Teaching topic: RCTs - efficacy vs effectiveness, ITT analysis
Episode 6 - 04.06.2020
Paper topic: Robotic vs laparoscopic TAP hernia repair
Teaching topic: Odds ratio and relative risk
Episode 7 - 11.06.2020
Paper topic: opiates for surgical care
Teaching topic: RRR, ARR, NNT
Episode 8 - 25.06.2020
Paper topic: gastric bypass vs medical management for CKD
Teaching topic: hazard ratio
Episode 9 - 09.07.2020
Paper topic: LaCeS trial!
Teaching topic: bias in observational studies
Episode 10 - 13.08.2020
Paper topic: appendicitis in pregnancy, prevalence and outcomes
Teaching topic: N/A
Episode 11 - 10.09.2020
Paper topic: cholecystitis in pregnancy, surgery or not?
Teaching topic: survival curves
Episode 12 - 08.10.2020
Paper topic: prophylactic embolisation for blunt splenic trauma
Teaching topic: understanding diagnostic tests - part 1
Episode 13 - 12.11.2020
Paper topic: Geriatric Trauma and prognostic scores!
Teaching topic: understanding diagnostic tests - part 2
Episode 14 - 10.12.2020
Paper topic: The LASER trial!
Teaching topic: Descriptive Statistics - which one should I use? Part 1
Episode 15 - 14.01.2021
Paper topic: LAPSIS trial!
Teaching topic: Descriptive Statistics - which one should I use? Part 2 - tables, charts and graphs
Episode 16 - 12.02.2021
Paper topic: Lap vs Open splenectomy for splenomegaly!
Teaching topic: Descriptive Statistics - which one should I use? Part 3 - special tables and charts
Episode 17 - 11.03.2021
Paper topic: The FIAT trial!
Teaching topic: RCTs - non inferiority vs equivalence vs superiority trials
Episode 18 - 08.04.2021
Paper topic: The PAROS trial!
Teaching topic: p-values and confidence intervals
Episode 19 - 20.05.2021
Paper topic: The PROMETHEUS trial!
Teaching topic: problems with multiple statistical testing
Episode 20 - 24.06.2021
Paper topic: Surgical teams and COVID - a qualitative study
Teaching topic: n/a
Episode 21 - 29.07.2021
Paper topic: Lap vs Open Liver Resection for HCC - a propensity score matched analysis
Teaching topic: The editorial process at WJS - what surgeons need to know!
Episode 22- 23.09.2021
Paper topic: COVID: HAREM!
Teaching topic: propensity score matching
Episode 23 - 21.10.2021
Paper topic: The CAIRO4 Trial
Teaching topic: n/a
Episode 24 - 02.12.2021
Paper topic: Pulmonary Recruitment and Pain after Lap Cholecystectomy!
Teaching topic: EBM - part 1
Episode 25 - 06.01.2022
Paper topic: Resident autonomy and surgical outcomes
Teaching topic: EBM - part 2
Episode 26 - 03.02.2022
Paper topic: Biologic vs Synthetic mesh for contaminated ventral hernias
Teaching topic: N/A
Episode 27 - 10.03.2022
Paper topic: Appendicectomy in Liver Cirrhosis patients
Teaching topic: EBM - part 3
Episode 28 - 07.04.2022
Paper topic: Analgesia in acute pancreatitis!
Teaching topic: EBM - part 4
Episode 29 - 05.05.2022
Paper topic: TOETVA and its evolution according to the IDEAL framework
Teaching topic: The IDEAL framework
Episode 30 - 16.06.2022
Paper topic: The CODA parallel cohort study
Teaching topic: N/A
Episode 31 - 07.07.2022
Paper topic: SLEEVEPASS RCT - 10 years outcome
Teaching topic: EBM part 5
Episode 32 - 08.09.2022
Paper topic: LTRS validation in Europe
Teaching topic: Special Guest Session - The Delphi Process!
Episode 33 - 20.10.2022
Paper topic: Conversion from lap to open appendicectomy - risk factors and trends
Teaching topic: N/A
Episode 34 - 17.11.2022
Paper topic: GB perforation and risk of abscess formation
Teaching topic: EBM for surgeons and trainees - part 6
Episode 35 - 26.01.2023
Paper topic: Effect of a liberal fasting policy
Teaching topic: Validity and Reliability
Episode 36 - 09.02.2023
Paper topic: Drain vs no drain in open incisional hernia repair
Teaching topic: N/A
Episode 37 - 09.03.2023
Paper topic: Double vs single FIT testing
Teaching topic: Limitations of RCTs in surgical research - part 1
Episode 38 - 06.04.2023
Paper topic: cCR and ncCR after neoadjuvant treatment for rectal cancer
Teaching topic: Limitations of RCTs in surgical research - part 2
Episode 39 - 11.05.2023
Paper topic: accuracy of non contrast CT in abdominal pain
Teaching topic: Statistical Tests part 1 - Chi square test
Episode 40 - 29.06.2023
Paper topic: VPL vs no VPL in open abdomen management
Teaching topic: N/A
Episode 41 - 27.07.2023
Paper topic: COVID 19 and severity of appendicitis at presentation
Teaching topic: systematic review and meta-analysis - part 1
Episode 42 - 19.10.2023
Paper topic: Stoma free survival after anastomotic leak
Teaching topic: systematic review and meta-analysis - part 2